
Wednesday: Fortnightly 10am at Church

Thursday: Fortnightly 1:30 at a member's house

Wednesday Group

Who normally comes to the group?

There is normally around 12 of us, who are mostly retired or working part-time. 

What happens at a normal meeting?

We are very informal, but often start with a time of refreshments and fellowship before having an opening Psalm/prayer.  Our Bible study time often focuses more on life-based application of the scriptures rather than deep theological exposition.  We spend a lot of time praying about what we have just read, praying for each other and world-issues.

What have you been looking at recently?

We are starting a course  called Practising the Way by  John Mark Comer.  It includes the topics of be with Jesus, become like him and do as he did.  

Thursday Group

Who normally comes to the group?

There is normally around 7 of us and we're all retired, but we welcome younger members too!

What happens at a normal meeting?

We start with refreshments and a bit of a chat before moving into our Bible study and discussions. Several members in the group take it in turns to lead the discussion times. We then finish our meetings with a time of prayer.  

What have you been looking at recently?

At the moment we're studying the book of Acts.